6206 West Bell Rd. Suite 1 | Glendale, AZ 85308 (623) 773-1991




Crowns and Bridges in Glendale, AZ



We need our teeth to eat properly, so when one is damaged it can take a toll on your day-to-day life. In order to continue to protect your teeth and overall well-being, it is important to repair damaged teeth.

Dental crowns are utilized to perform the following:

  • Cover dental implants
  • Prevent a cracked tooth from becoming worse
  • Restore an existing filling in jeopardy of becoming loose or dislocated

Looking for an improved appearance for your smile? When applied to discolored or stained teeth needing restoration, dental crowns provide the appearance of natural teeth.

Dental Crown Aftercare


Once your dental crown is in place, it is important to maintain proper care of your teeth. While a crown has restored a tooth, it doesn’t mean the tooth is indestructible. With proper care, a good quality crown can last up to eight or more years. Remember to brush and floss the area of the crown daily to avoid excess plaque buildup or collection of debris around the restoration.

It is also important to pay attention to other behaviors that might damage the dental crown. These behaviors often include jaw clenching or bruxism (teeth grinding). Try to avoid eating brittle foods, ice or hard candy as well. In doing so, the adhesion of the crown can be compromised or damaged.

Contact The Dentist today to learn about dental crowns in Glendale and how this restoration procedure might be able to restore the appearance and functionality of your smile.




When you are missing multiple teeth, what are your options? While there are numerous procedures available, some might cost more than you are willing to pay. It is important to understand your best options for restoring your smile when multiple teeth are missing.  One option to consider is dental bridges.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental Bridges are natural-looking appliances that can fill in the gap caused by missing teeth. Simply put, bridges are natural-looking, custom-made, and barely noticeable teeth replacements. By utilizing dental bridges, we can not only restore your smile by replacing missing teeth, but we will also be providing a more natural appearance and an improved proper bite relationship between your upper and lower teeth.

Proper care of your dental bridges will allow your new dental restoration to last for 10 years or longer. This means brushing and flossing daily like you would with your natural teeth. In addition to daily care, it is important to maintain regular visits to Dr. Van Sluyters and Dr. Pradhan for proper care and cleanings.

If you are missing multiple teeth and are looking for a restoration solution, dental bridges from The Dentist might be your best option. Contact our office to schedule an appointment for further consideration.